With this feat you can learn to speak, read and also write the sylvan language 5e. The Fey Wanderer is a pseudo-problem solving Ranger. Immediately after using its Fey Step, the fey can fill a 5-foot cube within 5 feet of it with magical darkness, which remains until the end of the fey's next turn. You can cast each leveled spell once per long rest, if you have spell slots you can cast them again using a spell Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Relevant information is scattered all over the place, and a lot of things about them remain vague. Emerald, turquoise, and jade green seas crash along endless beaches. You can also learn the misty step spell and even cast it once without expending the spell slot. The spell itself lists what forms the creature can take.
Perfect amber prairies roll between pristine mountain peaks soaring into the flawless clouds.